Nearest gay bar near me

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Every Tuesday: Zero for Heroes. All key workers get in free. Entrance prices to Sweatbox gay sauna and gym: 25 & Under £12 with valid photo ID, 24hr pass £20, 48hr pass £25, weekly pass £45. Treat yourself to a cheeky school night pamper with a massage from £30. A spa with a range of facilities including a 30 man jacuzzi, three steam rooms, a Turkish hot room, an infrared sauna and numerous private cabins (at no extra charge) to relax in. In the heart of the West End, this gay gym and sauna offer the perfect opportunity to workout and relax at the same venue. 5 Goslett Yard, Soho, London WC2H 0EA, United Kingdom Nearest Tube: Tottenham Court Road Soho LGBTQ Gay Events & Venues, Tuesday SweatboxGay Sauna & Gym – Today: Zero for Heroes.

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The crowd is young, energetic and up for a gay party any night of the week. A fun and up for it younger crowd of boys and girls get boisterous while they dance the night away to pop. LGBTQ Gay Parties in London, Tuesday G-A-Y Late Soho

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